Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tropical Fruits

Malaysia is a country full of amazing tropical fruits. There are Durian, Mangosteen, Rambutan, Langsat, Dragon Fruit, Sugar Apple, Guava, Jambu Madu, Jackfruit, Banana, Starfruit, Mango, Longan and so much more. Well, guess what? I love all of them. All these fruits are snacks and desserts for Malaysian. Ocasionally, they are included in some gourmet dishes.

Durian(Durio zibethinus) is my favorite of all. It is the 'King' of the tropical fruits not just in Malaysia, but also the in Southeast Asia. Durian's shape ranges from oblong to round. It has formidable thorn-covered husk that is green or sometimes brownish color. Its flesh ranges from pale-yellow to red color. The edible flesh emanates a idiosyncratic odour, strong enough to penetrate even when the husk is intact. Some people regard the durian as fragrant while others find the aroma overpowering and offensive. The smell evokes reactions from deep appreciation to intense disgust. The odour has led to the fruit's banishment from certain hotels and public transportation in southeast Asia.
My next favorite has to be Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum). It is closely related to several other edible tropical fruits such as Lychee and Longan. Rambutan in Indonesian, Filipino, or Malay literally means hairy caused by the 'hair' that covers this fruit. It is red color on the outside and traansparent white color on the inside. The flesh is sweet and juicy. Rambutans are generally eaten out-of-hand after merely spliting the rind open, or cutting it around the middle and pulling it off. It does not adhere to the flesh. The peeled fruits are occasionally stewed as dessert.

Next in line as my favorite is Guava(Psidium guajava). It is called Jambu Batu in Malaysia as it is very hard, like stones, need to wait until ripe, then only you can eat it.The guava fruit is usually eaten fresh. It can also be processed into juice, jam, nectar and canned fruit slices in syrup. It is estimated to contain two to five times the Vitamin C content of fresh orange juice. Malaysian normally dip it with sour plum sauce.

There is also the 'Queen' of trpical fruits, the Mangosteen(Garcinia mangostana). It is red in cross-section, purplish-white on the inside. Mangosteen contains bitter yellow latex and a purple, staining juice. There are 4 to 8 triangular segments of snow-white, juicy, soft flesh that is slightly acid and mild to distinctly acid in flavor and is commendated as with refinement luscious and delicious.

There are also other mouth watery fruits like Jackfruit, Langsat, Dragon Fruit, Starfruit, Longan, Jambu Batu, Sugar Apple and others. If you visited Malaysia without tasting any of these magnificent fruits, do not tell anyone you ever went to Malaysia as you lost out at one of the best of Malaysia.

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